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Digital Stylistics in Romance Studies and beyond

Digital Stylistics

A conference about Digital Stylistics in Romance Studies and beyond will take place to gather researchers working in Stylistics, Genre, Digital Methods and Romance Languages.


27th of February – 2nd of March 2019


University of Würzburg, Germany.



  • Prof. Douglas Biber (Applied Linguistics, Northern Arizona University)
  • Prof. Glenn Roe (Digital Humanities, Sorbonne Université)

Local Organizers

CLiGS research group (Robert Hesselbach, José Calvo Tello, Ulrike Henny-Krahmer, Daniel Schlör)

Scientific Commitee:

  • Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Burr (Leipzig)
  • Prof. Dr. Karina van Dalen-Oskam (Amsterdam)
  • Prof. Dr. Maciej Eder (Kraków)
  • Prof. Dr. Hanno Ehrlicher (Tübingen)
  • Prof. Dr. Fotis Jannidis (Würzburg)
  • Dr. Borja Navarro-Colorado (Alicante)
  • Prof. Dr. Christof Schöch (Trier)
  • Prof. Dr. Angela Schrott (Kassel)
