DHd 2016: countries, cities and institutions of the speakers

The CliGS group had the opportunity of being at the German Digital Humanities Conference  in Leipzig (DHd 2016). As we did with the  DH Spanish Conference of last year, we decided to take the data of the program to see in detail some general information of the people talking at the conference.

The data used in this post come all from the conftool of the conference. In that website is also the information about the pre-conference workshop and the EADH-Day.  It is important to have clear that this represent how visible are in the program countries, cities and institutions, and not about all the participants. We are only taking the data from the people that presented something (conference paper, poster, session…) and if someone took several roles during the conference, his information is also repeated.

I took the HTML, I cleaned it with scripts as best as I could; the tricky part was with this kind of things:

As we can see, the relationship between person and institution is not one to one. I checked the results of some of the most complicated cases and the scripts did a good job, but I wouldn’t dare to plunge my hand in the fire for this data 😉 If there are some errors and you want to give a try to clean the data in a better way, let us know with a comment! For the visualisation I have used the very user-friendly and intuitive tool RAW.

Lets start with the countries, in which country do the people in the program work? Results:

Well, not a huge surprise that Germany is the first country (428). Now the difference between Austria (37) and Switzerland (13) I didn’t expect. It is interesting to see how Italy and the Netherlands are well represented, specially if we compare it with other European countries, specially France, United Kingdom, Spain, Poland…

Lets go a step deeper in the data. And, now, a word of explanation: apparently the participants of some universities are more homogeneous when naming their institutions as other: while Universität Paderborn didn’t have any variant, there was a lot of variants in some Universities, example: Universität Göttingen, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, GA Universität Göttingen, Uni Göttingen… So I tried to curate the data the best way I could and searched for the locations of many institutions and I didn’t know:

Berlin, Leipzig, Göttingen, Würzburg, Wien, Darmstadt, Stuttgart… And from that we can go a step deeper and see the different institutions in each city. Because while some cities like Berlin, Wien or Göttingen contain a great number of institutions working in the Digital Humanities, other cities like Frankfurt or Würzburg are represented by a single institution.

So the data after institutions looks like this:

After the University of Leipzig, the one holding the conference, the best represented institutions in the program are the Universities from Würzbug, Darmstadt, HU-Berlin, Stuttgart, BBAW, ÖAW, NSUB-Göttingen, Köln…


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José Calvo Tello (11. März 2016). DHd 2016: countries, cities and institutions of the speakers. CLIGS. Abgerufen am 8. Februar 2025 von https://cligs.hypotheses.org/431

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